Learn why more than 10,000 students and teachers use GDevelop in their classrooms.
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GDevelop is the best way to build games!
Hear from real teachers using GDevelop
One of the features I really love is the integration of Piskel, which has allowed students to design their own characters and easily add them into the game.
I also like the resources that students have access to, which allows users to feel confident continuing to design their game even if the class has finished.
The university degree of Digital Arts is 100% focused on art, and since GDevelop works with events instead of coding, the students can focus on the design and art of the game itself, which was my objective.
With GDevelop you can make something interactive that lets the learners become the leaders of their learning process. And it doesn’t take the educator that much more time and effort than creating slides.
The Easiest Way To Start Game Developing. As someone who had no experience creating games other than some simple coding on Minecraft, GDevelop made it easy for me to jump in and try it out. I did have to watch some tutorials on YouTube, but after those, I was able to animate and code my own simple platformer, and my students were able to see it as well!
This app has been for me the best option to approach students closer to the world of video games. I lived a great experience when I guided my students step by step, through the tutorials, discovering GDevelop: to see their faces of surprise when the objects began to move, jump, follow instructions.
Programa, carteles y recursos exclusivos para maestros
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Acceda a los proyectos de sus estudiantes.
Historial de versiones para todos los proyectos
Publicación en cualquier plataforma
Acceso completo a la aplicación móvil de GDevelop
$3.29 USD
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