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Game Templates
A game where the player have to jump on platforms and avoid falling down as the screen goes up. With special objects (spring, rocks), score and Game Over handling! Discover and try this example.
A fast paced game where you must jump and avoid obstacles. Discover and try this example.
A Space Invaders-like game, where you have a turret and shoot on enemies coming from the sky. Discover and try this example.
Simple game where the player must use his laser powered gun to destroy zombies running at him. Discover and try this example.
Basic example of how to create a music game like Dance Dance Revolution or Friday Night Funkin. Discover and try this example.
A complete demo of a Tetris game, with all the concepts of modern Tetris such as SRS (Super Rotation System) and ghost piece, with high scores, music, sound effects. Discover and try this example.
Show how to use Shape Painter objects to create a simple drawing app. Discover and try this example.
Change the speed of the animation of an object according to its movement speed. Discover and try this example.
Show how to use pathfinding to make enemies chase the player. Discover and try this example.
This shows how to change the bbcode text of a BBText object displayed on the screen. Discover and try this example.
A few examples of Bitmap Text usage and their features (wrapping, tint color...). Discover and try this example.
Example showing how to walk on a tile-based arbitrary board using the Raycast condition. Discover and try this example.
How to put an object on the center of another Discover and try this example.
Learn how to change the color of a Sprite object - useful to achieve effects like invincibility with a blue tint or taking damage with a red effect. Discover and try this example.
Show how to use a variable as a timer and display it on screen like a bomb count down timer. Discover and try this example.
Example showing how to remember the character selected by the player and use it in other scenes. Discover and try this example.
Show how to create a object randomly picked in a list. Discover and try this example.
Learn how to replace the mouse cursor by a custom image. Discover and try this example.
This explains how to remember the last key that was pressed and customize the inputs of your game. Discover and try this example.
Shows how to set up a dialogue with a character, like in a RPG game, including multiple choices. Discover and try this example.
This shows how to allow the user to move on a map with the mouse. Discover and try this example.
Show how to ask the user for a folder name and create it on the disk. Discover and try this example.
Learn how to use the various Facebook Instant Games APIs to get information about the player, share their scores and have a leaderboard! Discover and try this example.
Show how to delete objects that are located at the diagonals of the click of the player in a board game. Discover and try this example.
A platformer camera that leans toward the direction the player is looking at. Useful to give more visibility to the player when running through a level. Discover and try this example.
Shows how to make an infinitely scrolling top down background by changing camera position. Discover and try this example.
The platform example game adapted to add a health bar to the player, that is decreased when the player touches an enemy. Discover and try this example.
This shows how to reproduce the Platformer example using JavaScript code instead of events. Discover and try this example.
This shows how to use the forces built in GDevelop to move an object. Discover and try this example.
Shows how to use the tween behavior to animate a game main menu. Discover and try this example.
Show how to use physics engine to move an object around with the mouse and realistic movements. Discover and try this example.
Show how to translate a menu (titles, buttons) in multiple languages and add an option for the player to choose the language. Discover and try this example.
Use the physics engine to simulate an object moving on a small planet. Discover and try this example.
Example showing how to use the Gamepads extension to read the state of gamepads (or controllers), for 2 players. Discover and try this example.
Example showing various usage of objects timers (timers that are stored into instances of objects on the scene, as opposed to scene timers which are stored by the scene). Discover and try this example.
This shows how to open a website on the system default browser. Discover and try this example.
Advanced example where JSON content is fetched from a website and information extracted from it. Discover and try this example.
Create explosion effects with the particles engine. Discover and try this example.
Create various effects with the particles engine. Discover and try this example.
This show how to have an object moving from its position to another automatically avoiding obstacles. Discover and try this example.
Simpler example showing how to get started with Pathfinding, to have an object automatically find its way around obstacles. Discover and try this example.
Example showing various capabilities of the physics engine integrated to GDevelop. Discover and try this example.
A demo of all the joints that can be created using the Physics engine. Discover and try this example.
Show how to randomly generate clouds to create an infinite sky. Discover and try this example.
This example shows how to make AI for a platformer Discover and try this example.
The Platformer example modified to allow the player to do a double jump. Discover and try this example.
This example shows hows to move camera in between rooms using tweens. Discover and try this example.
A demo of all the joints, and the way they can be customized, using the Physics engine. Discover and try this example.
This show how to properly launch a music on a game on mobile. Discover and try this example.
Example of creating a ragdoll with physics joints. Discover and try this example.
Show how to simulate a rain effect by creating several objects. Discover and try this example.
This shows how to create a grid with random color, and let the player choose one. Discover and try this example.
Show how to get a random value (string or number) from a list of choices. Discover and try this example.
Show how to rotate an object so that it looks toward a specified position on the scene. Discover and try this example.
Basic example showing how to rotate an object. Discover and try this example.
Show how to use various mathematical expressions to move an object following a parabola shape Discover and try this example.
Basic example showing how to shoot bullets from one or multiple objects at the same time. Discover and try this example.
An older, simple space shooter demo, made without any behaviors from extensions. Prefer taking a look at the Space Shooter starter to learn about useful behaviors and patterns for making your games. Discover and try this example.
This shows how to make a text fade in and out on the screen. Discover and try this example.
Advanced example showing how to use JavaScript and HTML5 api to make a text read by your computer. Discover and try this example.
Example showing how to play a music and add controls on the screen to pause it, change the volume or mute the sounds totally. Discover and try this example.
A demo of a top down game where you have to beat a boss that has multiple attacks. Discover and try this example.
A top down action adventure/action RPG style camera. Discover and try this example.
Show how to save the items unlocked by the user and load them later (when the game is launched again for example, or when starting a saved game). Discover and try this example.
Implements a simple achievement system. Discover and try this example.
Show how to smash balloons with touch or cursor. Discover and try this example.
Demonstrate how to show ads from AdMob in your game: app open, banners, interstitials, reward videos and interstitials. Also useful to test that your AdMob account is working properly. Discover and try this example.
A basic bomberman like game, where the player can move on the map, drop bombs and destroy crates on the map. Discover and try this example.
Learn how to make buttons for the menus in your game. Discover and try this example.
An example showing how to launch a ball from a cannon when using the Physics engine. Discover and try this example.
Learn how to change the animation of a Sprite object (useful for animating almost all objects in your game: characters, enemies, items...) Discover and try this example.
Shows how to use the "Advanced jump" behavior to allow an object to jump shortly after it left a platform (to reduce player frustration in platform games). Discover and try this example.
Example showing how to use the device sensors to move a ball in a maze. Discover and try this example.
This shows how to use the device sensors to create a compass like app. Discover and try this example.
Show how to make the device vibrate. Discover and try this example.
A twitter-like social network called "Not Twitter" using Firestore, and showcase of some other features of Firebase. Discover and try this example.
A clone of the challenging and popular Flappy Bird game, where you control a bird which has to avoid pipes. Discover and try this example.
Show how to fire bullets with different patterns. Discover and try this example.
Learn two different ways to create a background that is scrolling infinitely. Discover and try this example.
Show how to save user progress and progressively unlock levels. Discover and try this example.
Example showing the usage of multiple light objects, setting other objects as light obstacles and using a slight blur effect to soften shadows. Discover and try this example.
2 scenes showing examples of how to use a magnetic attraction effect. One with a ball attracted by a magnet, one with a player who attracts coins. Discover and try this example.
An example showing all the layer effects available in GDevelop. Discover and try this example.
How to implement the same menu across multiple scenes using functions and text effects for hover/active states. Discover and try this example.
Show how to use the "Mouse pointer lock" extension. Discover and try this example.
This shows how to create multiple markers when the player touches the screen. Discover and try this example.
A showcase of some multiplayer/networking possibilities using the P2P extension. Discover and try this example.
Shows how to have multiple layers with a parallax effect (where the background layers move slower than the foreground). Discover and try this example.
Another example showing how to have multiple layers with a parallax effect (where the background layers move slower than the foreground). Discover and try this example.
Simple example showing how raycast detects objects. Discover and try this example.
An example that shows the fundementals of creating a simple top down (2D) procedural generation system. Using the Noise and ExtendedMath extensions. Discover and try this example.
The example is a basic way to save and load checkpoints. Discover and try this example.
Show how to use the "Rectangular movement" extension. Discover and try this example.
Show how to rotate an object so that it looks toward the player cursor. Discover and try this example.
Advanced example showing how to persist data and then reload them from storage (useful to store game progress, or save the state of some objects in a game). Discover and try this example.
Basic example showing how to shoot bullets from an object. Discover and try this example.
A small game similar to the Lost Woods of The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, that uses spatial sound. Discover and try this example.
Show how to use the "Ellipse movement" extension to move a player in a snake-like game. Discover and try this example.
Show how to stick objects to others, so that they follow the position, rotation and even changes in size of the object they are stuck to. Discover and try this example.
Show how to save a screenshot of the game on the disk (on Windows/macOS/Linux only). Discover and try this example.
Example showing how to create a menu with multiple tabs. Discover and try this example.
Show how to use the Swipe Detector extension, for touchscreen on mobile and PC. Discover and try this example.
This example shows how to use the Text Entry object to capture what is typed on the keyboard.
It also illustrates how to open the virtual keyboard on mobile devices and capture/display what is typed using an extension. Discover and try this example.
This show how to create an effect where a text is progressively typed on the screen. Discover and try this example.
An example of a complete video player with controls to play/pause, change the volume, jump to a position in the video... Discover and try this example.
An adptation of the classic arcade game Asteroids with GDevelop. Discover and try this example.
Show how to make the player collect objects from boxes on the map. Discover and try this example.
A simple game where the player must press the right keys on the keyboard as fast as possible. Discover and try this example.
Example showing a basic level editor, where you can save and load positions of objects put on the scene during the game. Also shows how to use simple functions. Discover and try this example.
Shows examples of tile maps made with the LDtk (that can be downloaded on ldtk.io). Discover and try this example.
Example where the player can move a character on a map, and the character is displayed behind or in front of other objects according to its position. Discover and try this example.
Learn how to display an inventory, with object that can be added or removed, and how to persist it in storage. Discover and try this example.
Show how to do wall jumps, double jumps, coyote jumps and dashes in platformer games using the "Advanced platformer movements" extension. Discover and try this example.
An example project that tests all Tween extension functionality. Discover and try this example.
Shows how to procedurally generate dungeons or cave composed of objects when a scene starts. Discover and try this example.
Shows how to create a pixel-perfect platformer game with a Tilemap object for designing the level. Discover and try this example.
Shows different examples of Tilemaps made with the Tiled editor (that can be downloaded on mapeditor.org), including some with animations. Discover and try this example.
A platformer showing a simple interactive story with dialogues like in RPG games, using the Yarn dialogue tree extension. Discover and try this example.
Example level for teaching basic programming skills with extra features and assets. Discover and try this example.
Game making is one click away
Test and edit these game examples in the GDevelop game engine.