Un interessante gioco di combattimento aereo in stile Rogue, realizzato con GDevelop.
Hyperspace Dogfights is a juicy jet-combat roguelike in which you'll blast, dodge and slice your way through masses of technologically inferior enemies. Mentre la tua missione di intervento intergalattico progredisce, il tuo iper-jet adattivo si evolverà in qualcosa di più forte e più strano raccogliendo alcune delle centinaia di oggetti disponibili nel gioco.
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Hyperspace Dogfights began as a side project to our now canceled space exploration roguelike Hyperspace Admirals. HDog was prototyped in late 2016, after which it received a limited early access release on itch.io. Over the course of 2017 the majority of its content was developed and continuous alpha feedback was taken into account. The game was feature-complete in march 2018, after which the release was announced.
Buy it on Steam and learn more on the official website