Live Preview and Preview over Wifi/LAN

Ottieni uno sviluppo super veloce dei giochi con Live Preview e le anteprime sui dispositivi esterni.

Live Preview: applica le tue modifiche al tuo gioco mentre ci giochi

Live Preview, also called hot reloading, is applying your changes to your game preview, without having to restart it. Design your level, change some events, add new objects, modify visual effects, add extensions, then click on a button and the game preview will be updated automatically.


To start using Live Preview, just launch a preview as usual. When the preview is running, go back to the editor, do some changes and press the Preview button again. That's it!

Anteprima di Rete: visualizza il tuo gioco in anteprima istantaneamente su altri dispositivi

Live Preview also works with the Network Preview. With the Network Preview, also called Preview over WiFi/LAN, you can try your game on your phone, tablet or even on other computer browsers - without having to export them. It's useful to quickly validate the gameplay on smaller devices, verify the game performance and try the game.

Learn more about running previews in GDevelop.