
45.99By GDevelop
Dive into the thrilling world of Plinko! Drop balls into a 3D maze, watch them tumble, and score points based on where they land. Navigate the twists, make strategic choices, and aim for the high-scoring zones. This game contains a leaderboard, ball selection, credits, menu and volume settings. Are you ready for the challenge?
Premium template
This is a professional grade, premium template, built to be ready to adapt and publish.
Game built by a GDevelop expert
Ready to publish on mobile, web or desktop
Leaderboard already integrated
Easy to modify
Features and extensions reviewed by GDevelop
Personal projects
Professional projects
Asset modification
Publish one game (or any number with the unlimited license)
Redistribution & reselling
How to use
Directly accessible from your account once purchased
Modify and publish it like a traditional GDevelop game

Use it in GDevelop

Use Plinko for your game

Build a game with this template in the GDevelop game engine.