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The fastest, easiest, most powerful no-code game engine.

GDevelop is a free, open-source game engine that's 10x easier and faster to use than anything else. Build from anywhere — even on your phone. Publish everywhere: iOS, Android, Steam, web, gaming platforms. Reach millions of players or create the next hit game you've been dreaming of.

Uma forma fácil e intuitiva de criar jogos

O que torna o GDevelop único e tão fácil de usar é o sistema de evento. Os eventos são uma forma poderosa de explicar a lógica do seu jogo: é tão eficiente quanto o código, mas sem as complexidades de uma linguagem de programação.

Entre com vontade na indústria de jogos

Screenshot of In Katuba
Took part in the Korean indie game festival Burning Beaver 2022.
Screenshot of Vai Juliette!
Downloaded over 1 million times across Google Play and the Apple App Store.
Screenshot of The Boys: El Patriota
Official promotional game for Prime Video's The Boys.
Screenshot of Ball Challenge 2
Played over 100 thousand times across the web.
Screenshot of Bullet Bunny
Took part in Steam’s summer Nextfest 2023.
Screenshot of Stranded on a Raft
Took part in the Philippine Gamedev Expo 2023.
Screenshot of Lil BUB's HELLO EARTH
Funded through kickstarter, raising almost 150 thousand dollars.
Screenshot of Invincible La Segunda Oportunidad
Official promotional game for Prime Video's Invincible.
Screenshot of SPECTRUM
Played over 2 million times across the web.
Screenshot of Spent Shells
Played over 100 thousand times across the web.
Screenshot of Uphill Climb Racing Neon
Downloaded over 10 thousand times on mobile.
Screenshot of ---Red---Tether-->
Maintains a 100% positive review rating on steam over a year after release.
Screenshot of Examination of Fear
An analog horror quiz game that has been played by hundreds of YouTubers.
Screenshot of Karambola
Nominated for AMAZE Berlin 2017 awards, shown at NowPlayThis 2017, PGA 2017, Pixel Heaven 2017.
Economize com a assinatura anual
Crie seu primeiro jogo 100% grátis.
  • Motor de jogo open-source totalmente equipado
  • Publicar no Android/Desktop (uma vez por dia)
  • Experimente o multiplayer e serviços online gratuitamente
  • Milhares de ativos gratuitos na Asset Store
Aprenda mais rápido, crie mais, publique com facilidade.
  • Publicar no Google Play, desktop e na web
  • Armazene até 50 jogos na nuvem
  • Lobbies ilimitadas para jogadores em jogos multijogador
  • Análises para acompanhar a viralidade do seu jogo
  • Torne-se um desenvolvedor de jogos com o Curso Completo de GDevelop.
  • 100 créditos por mês
Recursos completos de criação e marketing. Publique em qualquer lugar.
  • Publique seu jogo no iOS
  • Canal dedicado no Discord
  • Tabelas de classificação ilimitadas e feedbacks dos jogadores
  • Lobbies ilimitadas para jogadores em jogos multijogador
  • 300 créditos por mês, para promover seu jogo ou usar na loja de ativos
  • 1 pacote de ativos gratuito para reivindicar por mês
Uso ilimitado. Todos os recursos profissionais.
  • Canal de suporte dedicado no Discord para profissionais
  • Colaboração: compartilhe projetos com colegas de equipe
  • Histórico de versões para projetos
  • Projetos na nuvem ilimitados
  • Lobbies ilimitadas para jogadores em jogos multijogador
  • Acesso ao próximo mercado profissional
  • Cobrança/faturas disponíveis
No ties, cancel your subscription anytime. Payments done using and PayPal secure infrastructure.
If you're using your GDevelop account for a company having more than $50,000 USD revenue per year, you must use the Pro membership.

Using GDevelop for education?

See all plans comparison

Deliver complete, engaging games, fast. From any device.

Iterate quickly on game mechanics with GDevelop’s “ready made logic chunks” called Behaviors. Lightweight and fast, you can use the desktop app, web-app or mobile app. A single account gives you access to your cloud projects at any time.

Interface de arrastar e soltar
Criação visualmente orientada "o que você vê é o que você obtém".
Open-source = unlimited, open ecosystem
Build on official or community extensions — or use JavaScript to call APIs, external services or data sources.
Innovative, efficient, no-code approach
Interações baseadas em lógica. No need for advanced programming languages or full-stack development.
Comportamentos já-feitos
Escolha entre mais de 130 comportamentos prontos e gaste menos tempo na lógica do jogo.
Crie uma conta para começar seu jogo

Por que os profisisonais estão usando o GDevelop

Personally, I hadn't programmed in many years when I started using GDevelop in 2019. I also never felt completely comfortable with traditional programming. It turned out to be incredibly fast for me to get started with GDevelop. Already after following a single tutorial, I was up and running with my first game, which eventually became quite advanced for a beginner.

Fully functional Android and iOS apps have been developed, allowing distributors in this industry to purchase products, view their key business indicators [...]. In addition to achieving a functional app, given the features of GDevelop, visual elements were incorporated to create gamified environments that are much more appealing than a standard platform.

The killer feature for me is how quickly you can throw some graphics on screen to get you started and refine/tweak things from there. I am a very visual person so the ability to get something on screen quickly helps me think about what i want to do with that particular scene.


Access free and premium game templates

The best way to start fast: browse the library of premium templates made by GDevelop or the community.

Beat em Up
Beat em Up
A 2D retro Beat 'Em Up game with advanced fighting games mechanics
  • Fast to customize
  • Fast to publish
  • Make any change

The engine for pros and teams

Video games for brands reaching millions of players, museum’s interactive projects, HR apps... The possibilities are endless and GDevelop will help you get there.

Tutoriais de desenvolvimento de jogos

Aprenda a usar o GDevelop passo a passo ou receba ajuda com um recurso específico. Temos tutoriais de criação de jogos para iniciantes, e a wiki contém a documentação completa do app.

Best option for beginners

Complete GDevelop Master course

15 practical lessons that teach you all the technical competences.
Go from project creation to game release in a week.
From beginner to master in a week

Start the course for free

Criador de jogos grátis e fácil

Crie e publique seus jogos com o GDevelop. Comece com nossos tutoriais e descubra toneladas de exemplos no aplicativo.