GDevelop 学院:游戏制作教程

循序渐进地学习如何使用 GDevelop 或获取有关特定功能的帮助。 We have game making tutorials for beginners and a complete documentation for the app.



学习使用 GDevelop 构建游戏

了解我们快速而灵活的游戏引擎。 通过观看我们的短视频或阅读完整文章来开始构建游戏。

6 Ways To Make Your Game Better

6 Ways To Make Your Game Better

Improve game feel (Or Juice) by doing 4 of these 6 things, and then the other 2 will help you get and retain players for your game. Wikipedia says that "Game feel (sometimes referred to as "game juice") is the intangible, tactile sensation experienced when interacting with video games." But there are a number of common things that developers do the make games feel more fun to interact with. So in this video we'll explain those to help you make a better game, get more players for your game, and retain those players for longer.

Let's make your own game

Imagine and publish your games with GDevelop. Get started with the tutorials and the tons of examples available in the app.