Match 3

Match 3
Match 3
Match 3
Match 3
Match 3
Match 3
6.99By VegeTato
Dreamed of making a Candy Crush-like game but didn't know where to start? Look no further! This template is perfect for building your game, and you can modify it, add assets, and even sell it for profit! Include:
  • Random spawn system
  • Player moves system
  • Possibilities system
  • Match 3 mechanics
  • Power-ups system
  • Math system
  • Level goal
  • Game feel
Personal projects
Professional projects
Asset modification
Publish one game (or any number with the unlimited license)
Redistribution & reselling
How to use
Directly accessible from your account once purchased
Modify and publish it like a traditional GDevelop game

Use it in GDevelop

Use Match 3 for your game

Build a game with this template in the GDevelop game engine.