Game Jams

An einem Game Jam teilzunehmen, kann viel Spaß machen, doch dafür musst Du dich für die richtige Spiel-Engine entscheiden. Lese etwas weiter unten, warum GDevelop die beste Wahl für Dich ist, vielleicht gewinnst Du ja den nächsten Global Game Jam oder Ludum Dare!

GDevelop organisiert Jams

GDevelop veranstaltet eigene Game Jams! Most recently, the GDevelop Game Jam #1 took place in February of 2022, and the Examples Jam #1 happened in April. Teilnehmer nutzten GDevelop in beiden Veranstaltungen.

Einsatzbereite Assets direkt aus dem Asset Store

Manchmal sind Jams nur kurz - oder Du willst alleine antreten. Doing all the graphics, sounds, and game logic is a job for a team.
The integrated asset store bundled with GDevelop makes you faster and more independent.

Download backgrounds, characters, icons, and sounds for your game in a single click.

Der Asset-Store

Erstelle deine Bilder mit Piskel

GDevelop is bundled with Piskel, a sprite editor that is perfect to quickly draw your sprites and for pixel-art... or browse the thousands of free assets on the asset store to start even faster.

Read more about making 8-bit and pixel-art games.

Piskel Editor

Generiere Sound-Effekte wie ein Profi

GDevelop hat einen integrierten Soundeffekt-Generator, Jfxr. You can create sounds effects like explosions, jump, coins, power-ups in a single click and customize them as you wish.

JFXR Editor

Kein Code mit Verhalten

Willst Du ein Retro-Plattform-Spiel erstellen? GDevelop has pre-made behaviors that you can attach to your character and your platforms.
In a few seconds, you have a basic platformer game running and ready to be customized and enhanced without any line of code!

The community has created a lot of behaviors. You can even create your own and share them!

Gehe tiefer: Event-Editor

Imagining and creating the rules of your game does not require to master the syntax of a complex programming language anymore.

Der Event-Editor zeigt eine Liste der Events an. Jedes Event besteht aus Bedingungen und Aktionen. Wenn die Bedingungen erfüllt sind, werden die Aktionen ausgeführt.

So einfach ist es. Mit einem einfachen Konzept kann jedes noch so komplexe Spiel gebaut werden.

Das Event-Blatt

Schnelles veröffentlichen

To keep your momentum, being able to publish quickly and seamlessly is important. That's why in GDevelop you can click on the Publish button and get your game hosted in no time for free on our game hosting platform:

Read more on how game publishing is incredibly fast.

Einfache Lernkurve

At GDevelop we hired content creators to help people to get started quickly.
They create video tutorials, game starters, game feature examples, and wrote tons of documentation to support newcomers.

Check out the GDevelop Academy to read and watch the official tutorials.

Beliebteste Game Jams

If you don't know the most popular game jams, we listed some for you.
We listed some for you:

We've also created our official GDevelop Game Jam in early 2022. Supported by the community, new GDevelop game jams will be organised regularly!