Ein saftiges Jet-Kampf-roguelike-Spiel, gemacht mit GDevelop.
Hyperspace Dogfights is a juicy jet-combat roguelike in which you'll blast, dodge and slice your way through masses of technologically inferior enemies. Wenn Ihre intergalaktische Interventions-Mission fortschreitet, wird sich Ihr adaptiver Hyper-Jet zu etwas Stärkerem und Verrückterem entwickeln, indem Sie einige der Hunderten von Gegenständen sammeln, die im Spiel verfügbar sind.
Sieh dir den Trailer auf YouTube an!
Hyperspace Dogfights began as a side project to our now canceled space exploration roguelike Hyperspace Admirals. HDog was prototyped in late 2016, after which it received a limited early access release on itch.io. Over the course of 2017 the majority of its content was developed and continuous alpha feedback was taken into account. The game was feature-complete in march 2018, after which the release was announced.
Buy it on Steam and learn more on the official website