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The fastest, easiest, most powerful no-code game engine.

GDevelop is a free, open-source game engine that's 10x easier and faster to use than anything else. Build from anywhere — even on your phone. Publish everywhere: iOS, Android, Steam, web, gaming platforms. Reach millions of players or create the next hit game you've been dreaming of.

簡単で 直感的に ゲームを作る方法

GDevelop の独自性と使いやすさを実現しているのはイベントシステムです。 イベントは強力なゲームロジックの表現手段です。コーディングと同じくらい効率的ですが、プログラミング言語のような難しさはありません。


Screenshot of Katuba's Poacher
Raised over 500% of its funding goal, showcased at Burning Beaver, Busan Indie Connect, and Tokyo Games Show.
Screenshot of The Boys: El Patriota
Official promotional game for Prime Video's The Boys.
Screenshot of SPECTRUM
Played over 5,000,000 times on the web.
Screenshot of Vai Juliette!
2021 Brazil Mobile Game of the Year, with over 1,000,000 mobile downloads.
Screenshot of Stranded on a Raft
Showcased at PGDX 2023 & 2024, with over 500,000 plays on web & mobile.
Screenshot of A Death in the Red Light
Launched on Steam with as their publisher.
Screenshot of The InBetween
Recognized by Africa Games Week, featured on IGN, and awarded a grant from the Game Devs of Color Expo.
Screenshot of Powerline Guardians
Featured on the homepage of Newgrounds.
Screenshot of Bullet Bunny
Joined Steam’s Summer Next Fest 2023, with over 200,000 plays on Steam & web.
Screenshot of Invincible La Segunda Oportunidad
Official promotional game for Prime Video's Invincible.
Screenshot of Brain Game: Test Your IQ
Played over 700,000 plays on web and mobile devices.
Screenshot of Spent Shells
Played over 150,000 times across the web.
Screenshot of Lil BUB's HELLO EARTH
Funded through Kickstarter, raising nearly $150,000.
Screenshot of Uphill Climb Racing Neon
Downloaded over 10,000 times on mobile devices.
  • フル機能のオープンソースゲームエンジン
  • Android/デスクトップに公開(一日一回)
  • マルチプレイヤーとオンラインサービスを無料で試す
  • アセットストアの何千もの無料アセット
  • Google Play、デスクトップ、Webで公開
  • 最大50個のゲームをクラウドに保存
  • マルチプレイヤーゲームで無制限のロビーを利用可能
  • ゲームのバイラリティを追跡するための分析
  • GDevelop 完全マスターコースでゲーム開発者になろう。
  • 月100クレジット
  • あなたのゲームをiOSで公開する
  • Discordの専用チャンネル
  • 無制限のリーダーボードとプレイヤーのフィードバック
  • マルチプレイヤーゲームで無制限のロビーを利用可能
  • 月300クレジット、ゲームの宣伝やアセットストアでの使用
  • 毎月1つの無料アセットパックを請求
  • プロ向けのDiscordサポートチャンネル
  • コラボレーション:チームメイトとプロジェクトを共有する
  • プロジェクトのバージョン履歴
  • 無制限のクラウドプロジェクト
  • マルチプレイヤーゲームで無制限のロビーを利用可能
  • 今後のプロ向けマーケットプレイスへのアクセス
  • 請求書/請求書の利用可能


See all plans comparison

Deliver complete, engaging games, fast. From any device.

Iterate quickly on game mechanics with GDevelop’s “ready made logic chunks” called Behaviors. Lightweight and fast, you can use the desktop app, web-app or mobile app. A single account gives you access to your cloud projects at any time.

Open-source = unlimited, open ecosystem
Build on official or community extensions — or use JavaScript to call APIs, external services or data sources.
Innovative, efficient, no-code approach
ロジックベースのインターラクション No need for advanced programming languages or full-stack development.
130以上の既製のビヘイビアーから選択して、ゲーム ロジックの作業にかかる時間を短縮します。

プロが GDevelop を使用する理由

Personally, I hadn't programmed in many years when I started using GDevelop in 2019. I also never felt completely comfortable with traditional programming. It turned out to be incredibly fast for me to get started with GDevelop. Already after following a single tutorial, I was up and running with my first game, which eventually became quite advanced for a beginner.

Fully functional Android and iOS apps have been developed, allowing distributors in this industry to purchase products, view their key business indicators [...]. In addition to achieving a functional app, given the features of GDevelop, visual elements were incorporated to create gamified environments that are much more appealing than a standard platform.

The killer feature for me is how quickly you can throw some graphics on screen to get you started and refine/tweak things from there. I am a very visual person so the ability to get something on screen quickly helps me think about what i want to do with that particular scene.


Access free and premium game templates

The best way to start fast: browse the library of premium templates made by GDevelop or the community.

Fruit Stack Master
Fruit Stack Master
A Suika game like made for mobile with leaderboards.
  • Fast to customize
  • Fast to publish
  • Make any change

The engine for pros and teams

Video games for brands reaching millions of players, museum’s interactive projects, HR apps... The possibilities are endless and GDevelop will help you get there.


GDevelopの使い方をステップ・バイ・ステップで学んだり、特定の機能についてのヘルプを見ることができます。 初心者向けのゲーム制作チュートリアルもありますし、 Wikiにはアプリに関する完全なドキュメントがあります。

Best option for beginners

Complete GDevelop Master course

15 practical lessons that teach you all the technical competences.
Go from project creation to game release in a week.
From beginner to master in a week

Start the course for free


GDevelopを使ってゲームを制作し公開 チュートリアルで開始し、アプリ内の大量の例を見つけましょう。