Easy Visual Coding and Scripting for Games with GDevelop

Do you want to make a game but don't know how to code? Don't worry! Visual coding and scripting is easy with GDevelop.

Game creation used to be really difficult. You needed to know how to program, and learning programming languages took time. But over the years, apps called game engines have been making it easier and easier to make games without programming. Visual coding and scripting are easy ways to create game logic without writing a single line of code, and GDevelop is a free and open-source no-code game engine in which you can do just that.

What is Visual Coding and Scripting

"Regular" programming requires people to learn a new programming language. There are many languages out there, with different learning curves. There is C#, C++, JavaScript, Python, and so on.

Code is difficult to learn.

Programming languages give you a lot of control over what you make, which is great! But they also pose a barrier to entry for people who wish to make games but do not want to learn to program. Learning a new language can be very hard, and sometimes, it gets in the way of actually making a game.

This is where visual coding and scripting come in. Instead of writing code in a programming language, you simply use logic blocks and conditions to make things happen. This can be much more intuitive and easier to learn than a programming language.

And GDevelop is a free, no-code 2D game engine where you can make a game without ever writing a single line of code.

What is GDevelop

GDevelop is a free, open-source, no-code 2D game engine. In fact, it is the only one of its kind in the world! GDevelop allows you to make all kinds of games without ever writing a single line of code (though you can also add JavaScript code if you so choose). Its Event System allows you to easily do visual coding and scripting by adding conditions, and actions.

GDevelop is a free and open-source game engine.

The Event System is very easy and intuitive to learn. On the left-hand side, you have conditions. This is what needs to happen in order for an event to occur (for example, when the player collides with an enemy). On the right-hand side, you have actions. Actions are what happens when a condition is met.

So, instead of writing endless lines of code, you can simply add, with visual coding and scripting, the following logic: when the player collides with an enemy, reduce player health by 20 points (as you can see above). It's that easy.

Other GDevelop Advantages

GDevelop is a free and open-source visual coding and scripting engine. But it has more tricks up its sleeve, too.

For example, GDevelop comes bundled with an Asset Store, with thousands of assets you can use on your projects (even commercial ones!).

The Asset Store is full of things you can use in your games.

You can also make your game just once, and then use GDevelop to create a version for many different platforms, including Android, Windows, Mac, and Linux.

GDevelop also has many tutorials, with more coming to our YouTube channel all the time. There's also a vibrant community of fellow creators on the Discord Server and the Forum ready to help you on your journey.

GDevelop has many other great features, including a web-based editor, cloud-saves (even on free accounts!), a sprite editor, a sound effects creator, and much, much more. Find out about all of the features GDevelop has to offer here.

Visual Coding and Scripting that Is Easy to Learn, But Powerful - Even for Professional Applications

One of the good things about visual coding and scripting in GDevelop is that, yes, it's easy to learn, and there are many resources available to help you when you have questions.

There are no limits to the types of 2D games you can make with GDevelop.

But that doesn't mean you can't achieve professional results. Even if you do know how to code, GDevelop allows much faster creation and iteration. You spend less time coding and more time testing new features in your game.

There's no limit to the scope of the games you can make, either, or the potential success you can achieve with those games. You can visit our Games gallery to hear about GDevelop creator success stories, including one about surpassing one million downloads.

gd.games offers both a storefront and the possibility of soft-launching for testing your game.

You can also visit gd.games, the dedicated GDevelop storefront, to see the breadth and diversity of games that can be made with GDevelop. Additionally, gd.games is a great resource to "soft-launch" your game: exporting your game from GDevelop to gd.games only requires a single click, and it provides you with a testing platform that includes player feedback features, advanced analytics, and more.

The game dashboard is full of useful analytics.

GDevelop Vs. Other Engines

We live in wonderful times, where creators have more options than ever before to choose the game-making tools that best suit them.

You can find out more information about how GDevelop compares to other engines, including GameMaker, Unity, and even Roblox. You can also find information to decide which game engine is best for beginners.

Ready to Try GDevelop?

Since GDevelop is free and open-source, there's never been a better time to try it than right now. As soon as you open it, you'll be greeted with an easy-to-follow tutorial that will have you making games in no time at all. And all of this, with easy visual coding and scripting. No code required.