Ads with AdMob

Use AdMob in your GDevelop games on Android to display ads and reward videos to your players.

1) Create your AdMob account

Go to AdMob website and create an account. Then, create a new app from the AdMob interface and an ad unit. Note the identifiers for both the app and the ad unit, as they will be used in your game.

Read the detailed instructions here.

2) Configure AdMob in GDevelop

In GDevelop, open the properties of your game and paste the AdMob app id. This acts as the identification that allows AdMob to serve ads in your app.

3) Trigger ads display from events

Add events in your game to load and show the ad when needed (this can be when a level is successfully completed for example). Paste the ad unit identifier into the parameters of the action. You can also enter "test" for loading a test ad.

4) Publish your game on Android

You can test and publish your game on Android directly from GDevelop. In the editor, open your game and click Publish. Choose Android, click on Package for Android and wait a few minutes.

Read the full tutorial about AdMob here.