Join the GDevelop Community

Get involved in the GDevelop community - the best place to create your game and meet fellow game creators.

Join the forum or the Discord

The forum and the Discord are the place to discuss game building with other game creators, get help if you're stuck, exchange ideas or help others.

Join the forum and the Discord channel.

We welcome everyone (whatever your background or origin), and have a few rules that we ask you to follow to encourage inclusion, ensure everyone feel safe and have a truly global, thriving community.

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Get involved!

There are multiple ways to contribute to the app, learn about them here. This goes from helping other community members on the forum or the Discord, creating tutorials or even building new extensions or behaviors!

If you're deeply involved in the GDevelop community, you can also apply to become a community advocate - we welcome everyone who want to spread the word about GDevelop in their local community.

And of course, we would love to see what games you can do with GDevelop! 👾